Getting on the road early today was necessary not only for the length of the ride, but also due to the fact that the wind would not favor me for the first 35 miles of today's ride.
A very steady and at times strong wind from the north/northwest made riding north along Lake Winnebago tough. The vast lake, understandably so, allowed the wind to build and go unchecked by any sort of barriers, be it natural or man made. It was just one of those mornings where settling into a gear and grinding on would be the norm. While I don't have a choice, I do prefer riding with wind alone compared to riding in the same wind with rain. For this much, I was fortunate.
After about 30 miles of navigating backroads against persistent winds, I eventually turned eastward and gladly wasn't as burdened by the wind. Going eastward for several miles took me to the Fox River State Trail, which eventually ends in Green Bay. Once on the Fox River State Trail, the treeline provided a most appreciated break from the wind. I seldom encountered anyone along the first 18 miles of the Fox River state trail. However, as I pedaled closer to Green Bay there were more people, and the trail surface changed from crushed limestone to blacktop.
When I arrived in Green Bay, I made a quick stop at a bike shop to pick up a new cellphone holder for the bike. Having a reliable holder would be necessary down the road, and the original holder had been broken for a few days.
In short time, I was back on the road riding north out of Green Bay for several miles until I hit a stop when a train was blocking a railroad crossing. The train had been moving when I arrived at the crossing, but after 10 minutes it had come to a halt. I rerouted around it and eventually got onto county highway J, which I took for the majority of the way to Teresa's parent's place. The remaining 20 miles, or so, of the ride were easygoing and had little traffic.
When I arrived at Teresa's parent's home, I got cleaned up and ready for a wholesome meal that Teresa's father made for us: pork steak, potatoes, and asparagus. All three of which I really enjoy. Teresa's mother arrived home a little later from work, and we all had a good time chatting. I was grateful for their company and for having me stay along this trip. Having a great meal and a roof over my head after a long day of riding was peace of mind.
After chatting and watching three quarters of the NBA finals, where it looked like the Raptors were going to run away with it, going to bed was necessary. Rain appeared to be imminent based on tomorrow's forecast, but an earlier start would help with riding through less of it.