Much of today's riding was going to be hilly, which isn't unexpected when you're riding into a major river valley; like the Missouri River valley. Unlike the steep grades of mountains and their passes, these hills were much more tame and manageable in grade. Riding early on Saturday and Sunday mornings have made for some of the most pleasant riding conditions due to the absence of traffic, and the first three hours of riding today were just that. Even riding through 12 miles of construction zone was carefree. Based on how bone-jarring hundreds of miles on US-20 had been, riding on a smooth recently paved blacktop surface was welcomed; even in a construction zone. I stopped at a bike shop in Sioux City to get a few odds and ends, and to get route suggestions for riding eastward out of town. The route suggested by a mechanic only had me US-20 for a few miles. Otherwise, the remaining 30 miles (or so) were all on lightly traveled county highways. I eventually arrived in Correctionville, and noticed that one of the potential campgrounds had recently been flooded and receding waters had finally given the land a chance to dry up. Camping here was not going to happen. Instead, based on input from a local, I rode about three miles south of town to a different campground. Potable water and the luxury of a shower already made this campground appealing. When I was drying myself off from showering, I soon realized that the towel that I used had trace amounts of bear spray on it... which was now on my upper back. It only took minutes to feel the familiar tingling soon turned burning sensation on my back. As I sauntered back to the tent, I told myself that it was just like Icy Hot. During times like these, I've usually found relief with exercises in mind over matter, and this exercise proved to be effective. Grinding through riding earlier in the day likely helped out, as I was fairly worn out. Even this most recent discomfort wouldn't deter me from much needed sleep.